U.S. and Canada Training Bases


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Learn to fly with Intl Air Academy

At Intl Air Academy, we offer every type of training and rating you might need to either learn to fly for fun or a career. Our relatively small airport makes each lesson go smooth so students can focus on their training at hand. Click on each rating button below to learn more information about each process.


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A discovery flight is the perfect way to get your feet off the ground and experience the joy of flying for the first time. During this introductory flight, you’ll take the controls and work with one of our experienced instructors to learn the basics of flying.

Doing a discovery flight is the best way to determine if flying is for you and help you make an informed decision about pursuing your pilot’s license. If you’re ready to take the first step, sign up for a Discovery Flight today and discover the thrill of flying for yourself!


We’ll help you every step of the way to get your private pilot certificate and fly a plane. You’ll gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to safely navigate the skies with precision. With a private pilot certificate from Intl Air Academy you’ll have the freedom to embark on exciting cross country adventures, fly friends and family to new destinations, and be the pilot in command of your own aircraft.Then, expand your skills, enhance your aviation knowledge, and open doors to a wide range of career opportunities. Intl Air Academy offers instrument rating and commercial certificate programs to equip you with the skills and expertise needed to navigate confidently in challenging conditions and unlock new opportunities in your aviation career.Intl 

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Discovery Flight

Have you ever dreamed of piloting a plane and soaring high above the clouds? Our Discovery Flight is your opportunity to turn that dream into an unforgettable reality.

Private Pilot

Getting a private pilot certificate is a great achievement, allowing you to fly single-engine aircraft in fair weather. It requires 40 hours of training and can be a stepping stone to more advanced ratings.


A commercial pilot license allows pilots to be paid for their services. It involves further training and testing beyond private and instrument certifications, opening the door to professional flying opportunities.

Multi Engine

A multi-engine rating enables pilots to operate aircraft with more than one engine. It requires additional training and certification, expanding the pilot’s qualifications and the types of aircraft they can fly.
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